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How You Should Not Use Bleach

Bleach is a powerful cleaning product, it can make whites whiter and kill germs. When used properly, it can be a cheap, safe and effective way for sanitising various objects and surfaces at home. However, that doesn’t mean you can use it for everything at home. Here are a couple of cleaning tasks that you should never clean or do with bleach.

1. Never Ever Touch Bleach With Your Bare Hands

Never Ever Touch Bleach With Your Bare Hands

Wear gloves at all time when working with bleach, don’t get bleach on your skin as it can cause chemical burns to the skin and eyes. If you do get bleach on your skin, wash it off immediately!

2. Don’t Ever Try To Mix It With Other Chemicals

Don’t Ever Try To Mix It With Other Chemicals

Mixing bleach with other chemicals like your kitchen cleaners especially those that contain ammonia or acid can cause dangerous, potentially lethal fumes or the worst scenario – an explosion. The chemical reaction will create a toxic gas that can cause lungs to stop functioning, it can lead to eye irritation, coughing, nausea and more. The rule of thumb is, never mix bleach with anything except water.

3. Don’t Use It On Wood Surfaces

Don’t Use It On Wood Surfaces

Bleach doesn’t help in getting rid of mold on wood or wood-based materials such as wooden flooring and wooden furnitures. These are all porous materials that bleach can’t effectively get into or out of to safely sanitise. So don’t use it on your wooden countertops, wooden tables, and cutting boards.

4. Don’t Use It On Granite Surfaces

Don’t Use It On Granite Surfaces

Stone is another porous material that can be damaged by bleach, so avoid any contact with bleach. However if you have set-in stain like red wine, you can decide if it’s worth tackling it with bleach.

5. Don’t Use It To Clean Most Metals

Don’t Use It To Clean Most Metals

Bleach contains ingredients that serve as oxidants during the cleaning process, therefore materials such as stainless steel can become oxidised and corroded when exposed to bleach. Unless you find a bleach-based cleanser specifically indicated for metals (which means the bleach has been passivated) avoid using it on metal surfaces like stainless steel appliances like your utensils, pots and pans.

Leave your these troublesome cleaning task to a professional cleaning company like us. We understand how to work all these cleaning solution in the most effective and safe way. Call us at 6515 3897 or drop us an email at to find out more about our cleaning services!

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